A Voice

Dan Howard   -  

This last Sunday was September 11th. Each year it seems I learn another bit about how lives were changed that day in 2001. This year I heard a story about Kevin Conroy. Now you may ask who that is, because there may be a bit of a generation gap here. If you ask a child of the 90’s Kevin Conroy IS batman. His voice as Batman, and Mark Hammill as the Joker, are every bit as iconic to my generation as Adam West is to the one that came before me. What does this have to do with September 11th, 2001? Kevin Conroy made his living before he was an actor as a cook. Following the 9/11 attacks, Kevin Conroy volunteered to cook for police and firefighters. He worked hours in the food tent keeping shell shocked responders fed and moving. At one point he was recognized by an individual who brightened up and yelled to the food tent, “Hey guys, Batman made us dinner!” Nobody believed him until at the behest of another cook he called out from the kitchen his iconic Batman line and was greeted by cheers and applause from the emergency service personal. They didn’t know him, but they immediately recognized his voice,

This last Sunday I also talked about sheep and the shepherd. We talked about how sheep know the voice of their shepherd.

My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me. 28I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them out of My hand.… (John 10:27-28 BSB)

And when sheep go astray, it is a loving shepherd that goes after them. Leaving the safe ones and pursuing out of love the one that disregarded his words and went their own way.

It is a job our savior is still doing. Through His Word, through His Sacraments, and through His Church. So today if you are feeling lost, I want you to remember the Shepherd is by your side. Today if you see someone who is struggling, be the shepherd’s hands. And most of all, remember that the Good Shepherd gives you all.

So, then, are you prepared to recognize His voice?

Psalm 23 my friends, See you Sunday

-Pastor Dan