Facility Use Request

Fields marked with an * are required

A $50 Tech fee is required for any Audio / Video Tech Needs over a period of 3 hours.   An additional fee of $15 per hour is required for any additional time needed.

Marketing request forms can be found HERE.

Contact person MUST be an active member of Hope

Hope Lutheran Church Facility Use Guidelines

  1. Privilege to use the church facility is granted by the church and may be revoked at any time. The Sceduling Coordinators review and approve facility use requests by in accordance with current church policies.
  2. Set-up/Clean-up time must be scheduled to avoid scheduling conflicts.
  3. Only areas signed out for the event are to be used. Other areas are off limits, as they may already be scheduled for another event. Make sure you sign out all areas needed.
  4. All church facilities must be cleaned and returned to the original condition and setting following any event. All trash is to be taken to the dumpster.
  5. Youth-sponsored events are to have adult supervisors in the areas where the youth are at all times. All youth are to be picked up before the sponsor/supervisor leaves the premises.
  6. Negligence in supervision which results in any damage to church property could result in sanctions such as withdrawal of facility use privileges or budget allocations.
  7. The “Contact Person” must be present during the event to monitor activities on behalf of the church, and make sure the building lights are off and doors are locked when the group is finished.
  8. Hope is a no-smoking, no-alcohol facility. Smoking may take place outside the facility, but no alcohol may be consumed on church property.
  9. Any disputes arising out of the event or the planning of the event will be settled by the Sponsoring Team. Scheduling conflicts should be worked out among the affected teams and the Scheduling Coordinators, with Church Council as the final arbiter of any unresolved conflicts.
  10. Hope Lutheran Church presumes that all activities at any event will be in accord with our professed Lutheran faith.
  11. Hope Lutheran Church is not responsible for reckless behavior or careless acts by those using the facilities.
  12. Upon completion of the event, it is the responsibility of the Contact Person to make sure all items are put away, the trash removed, kitchens/facilities cleaned up (see kitchen & facility guidelines), lights turned off, and the facilities locked up.
  13. The Sponsoring Team is responsible for overseeing their Committee’s Events, and scheduling.
  14. Reoccurring Event Requests begin calendar period of August 1st through July 31st.