Confessions of a Broken Man

Steve Skiver   -  



I usually sign off the Family Table Devotions with the tag line “Trust the Promises”. This is usually more for my benefit than yours. It is a reminder. A reminder that consistently moves in and out of focus, a changing state that is often elusive.


Is trust an intellectual exercise or an emotional pursuit? Is it valid to look at trust in those terms, or is trust something else? What piece am I missing?


People were bringing even their babies to Jesus, so that he would touch them. When the disciples saw this, they began to rebuke them. But Jesus invited them, saying, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Amen I tell you: Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”

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The mother sets the child down and he makes a bee line straight to Jesus, giggling all the way. Jesus stoops down, catches the boy and in a fluid movement straightens up and tosses the boy in the air, both are laughing with joy! Again, shouts the boy, and more laughter. Trust. Emotion or intellect?


I don’t have a recollection of being tossed in the air like that. I do have the memory of doing that to my son. I do remember calculating the probable outcomes of injury, embarrassment, or failure by jumping to my dad’s out stretched arms in a pool. I saw that calculation in my son’s eyes. Trust. Emotion or intellect?


My son needed to come home for a few days last week. He trusted that I could catch him. Jesus catch me.




Trust the Promises

Steve Skiver