Pizza! Pizza!

Dan Howard   -  

There are some slogans that you hear and instantly become a kid again. Certain jingles stay with you forever.

Perhaps you might remember this one: Pizza! Pizza!

Yup, if you were a Midwest kid those two magic words meant it was pizza night. IN my house that was the sign that a movie rental was to follow and we got to stay up late! Yet there is an interesting story behind Pizza! Pizza! Little Casers had a really good thing going with this campaign. But, the allure of saving money and the desire to change the message cost them a massive amount of market share over a decade. They lost sight of who they were in the marketplace and it cost them a lot of business. Now, I am not comparing salvation to pizza, but I do think we as Christians can learn from this. We are called to be living epistles:

  And you show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. – 2 Corinthians 3:3

You have been commissioned and sent. You are called to proclaim and to market. Not in some cheesy way (get it…pizza…cheesy…) but authentically. The best marketing is honest reviews of what has been done for you, and how what has been done has changed your life.

Changing the message won’t work.
Going cheap won’t help.
Forgetting your mission statement will cost you.
The churches message is one of Law ad Gospel.
The grace of God is a free gift waiting for you.
You go and make disciples.

Pizza! Pizza!

Come Palm Sunday We shout Hosanna (God Save Us)
This year we could try

Mercy! Mercy!

But why change a good slogan…. Hosanna it is. But for you my friends, I encourage you to speak of what God has done for you. Invite someone to church. God desires to use you.

See you Sunday,

-Pastor Dan