Guess Which Hand

Steve Skiver   -  

As the Church year winds down, and the  penitential season of Advent is on the horizon, I thought I would put forth a bit of frivolity. The following exchange is entirely made-up just to deliver the punchline…



I was asked if I remembered the account of Jesus healing the man with a withered hand in Matthew chapter 12. I said, “Jesus did a lot of healing, but sure, I know the narrative.” The response was: Ah, good, but do you know which hand Jesus healed on the man? Me, thinking this was some kind of atheist conspiracy, said: Not really, does it matter? The reply came: Well, it was the right, because Jesus makes all things right! 



As Advent begins, we look forward to Jesus’ return to make all thing right again! We prepare our hearts and minds for the celebration of the first Christmas. Moreover, we anticipate the second coming.



And not to leave you hanging: The parallel account in Luke 6  tells us that the man did have a withered right hand that Jesus healed.







Trust the Promises,



Steve Skiver