On Enough?

Steve Skiver   -  

On Enough?


Time to take a peek behind the curtain and try to follow the thought processes of a self-professed artistic, creative, and rational mind. Last week’s Family Table Devotion titled Enough? was a concept piece. There is always a good amount of thought, research, and prayer that goes into the composition of these devotions. There is also some self-reflection, self-talk, and self-reassurance built into my creative processing and writing. When I originally began writing for The Family Table, my objective was (and this is from 2019):

I want to make you a better Lutheran. Failing that, I want to make you a better Christian. Failing that, I want to make you a better citizen. Failing that, I want to make you a better consumer. Failing that, you’re a sheep…I got no help for you…Jesus, the good shepherd, needs to find you…



My goals may have adjusted since that time, my writing style has morphed a bit, however, our God is unchanging. (Hebrews 13:8) A thing that centers me, is how to present Jesus in a faithful way: entertaining, yes; thought provoking, definitely; and maybe “authentic”, which is an American church buzzword that I am hesitant to use. The nagging fear always is, “How much of ‘me’ going into my writing is too much; am I distracting from the Good News of Christ?”



The Family Table Devotions are delivered through two channels. The first and original channel is a Google Groups email. The second delivery method is on the Hope website (and mirrored to Facebook). The website has an additional feature not found in the email: a featured image. I general write first and then find an image that reflects the theme. Once in a great while, I will grab an image for inspiration. As I am typing this, I have not searched for an image for this piece. I always try to add something for the flavor, to enhance the experience, for any casual web searcher.



If you read between the lines of the previous two paragraphs, you can see the concept of Enough?  The need for artistic expression to convey the message of Christ and the intellectual assent to let the Holy Spirit work by these feeble means, combine to produce moments of doubt and inadequacy.  The human condition asks many questions. A big one is, “Am what I am doing, who I am, who I want to be…is that enough?” Add to that, try to add Jesus in the mix. Is Jesus enough of an answer for me? Is Jesus enough of a focal point for me? Is enough of anything equal to Jesus? The nagging feeling of me pointing to Jesus requires you to look at me pointing at Jesus. Will I find solace in Paul’s words:

Imitate me as I imitate Christ.

From <https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Corinthians%2011&version=GW>



I suppose that is enough.






Trust the Promises,


Steve Skiver